Thursday, June 11, 2015

Lifes Keys Chapter Four: Stay Connected to the Source

                                                                  John 15:4
                                                                 Matthew 4:4
                                                                  John 10:10
I want you to do a favor for me. Throw a seed outside on the asphalt and just let it sit there for a few days. After a sufficient amount of time has passed go out and check to see if anything has happened to that seed. You may find that the seed has grown a few roots; or maybe, it has even opened up and tried to bud a bit. Either way, give it a few more days separated from good ground where it can put down its roots and find sustenance and it will die. Why is this? I thought that life always finds a way as Dr Malcolm in Jurassic Park so eloquently put it. The truth is, that life only finds a way when it is plugged into a source of sustenance that can sustain it. Life may bloom for a while; but, if it is deprived of a life giving source it will eventually fade away and die. Life does not happen by accident, nor can it be sustained by chance. If you buy a fish, as I have, and you forget to feed it or clean its bowl it will die. Unless of course, your fish is a highlander then you have to remove its head. Either way, to have life a source is required. For humans we need a complex environment in order to sustain life. We need breathable air, water and a source of food that contain certain proteins and minerals in order for us to live and thrive. Scientist have discovered that in our universe this complex system is so rare that they have yet to find another planet where human life can be sustained for a prolonged period of time. Even in Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar they had to go outside of our galaxy in order to discover a planet where human life could be sustained indefinitely.


In John 15:4 Jesus makes the statement, “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.” What a powerful statement He is making here. This is not a parable needing to be explained, nor is it a deep mystery that can only be understood through the intervention of the Holy Spirit poking at our brains in order to coax our synapses to life. Sure, it is helpful when the Holy Spirit gives us revelation about certain scriptures; but, this one really shouldn’t require that. What Jesus is saying here is that unless we are genuinely and consistently plugged into Him we can not bear fruit. It really is as simple as that. You see, one of the biggest problems we all tend to face as Christians is that we are constantly trying to bear fruit and have life without actually being plugged into the source of all life. Jesus put it to us pretty blatantly in this scripture when He says that that just simply isn’t possible. Neither is a Human living indefinitely without food or the Transformers without Optimus prime or my kids getting up before noon without some form of cold water involved.


Sometimes we are like the walking dead stumbling through life in search of anything that will bring us life except the one thing that really will. It’s kind of like socialism. No mater how many times they try to reinvent it; it just simply does not work. No form of socialism will ever be able to produce any form of prosperity and growth. Moreover, nothing other then Jesus will produce life in us. In John 10:10 Jesus said that he came to give us life and life more abundantly. We as Christians, however, are always trying to have this life without Jesus. Wait a minute now! I am saved and I go to church on Sunday mornings isn’t that enough. Well, if you uproot a pant everyday and only plug it into its source for about two hours once a week do you think it will live and thrive? If it does it will only be a pale shadow of what it could and should be. It will be the living dead since it is constantly trying to have life without being plugged into the source of its life. Just like the plant this is what we do all the time. We try to live an on fire overcoming Christian life without the source; and, we become nothing more then the walking dead who have a small measure of real life while trying to sustain ourselves with the death of this world.


Now, I am someone who loves to consume entertainment. In fact, I have always wanted to be someone who created books, movies and television for a living. I absolutely love entertainment; but if all I ever do is fill my life with entertainment, then that is all I will ever have. What do I mean by this? Well, what you put in is what you have to sustain you and to give out. If I never spend time personally with God or in His word and prayer, then when I need that life all I will have is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Now, knowing how to fight like a ninja can be helpful against a mugger; but, it is completely useless against the devil, depression, sickness, suicide, divorce, or any other kind of hurt or pain that we all face in life. The word of God and prayer, on the other hand, are the only powers in the universe that are capable of handling the aforementioned issues. Just like the food we eat for strength and life in our daily life, these things must also become our food. This is what Jesus meant when he made the statement in Matthew 4:4, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” You see just as our body requires a source of life to live so does our spirit. Without that source we can not have life or bear fruit. The truth is people, that if we want to do more then just survive we have to be plugged into the source of our life everyday and not just once a week on Sunday mornings.


 I will leave you with an analogy of one of my favorite superheroes. Seriously, you had to have expected this was coming.) The Green Lanterns are a group of intergalactic superheroes who get their considerable powers from a power ring. This ring must be charged constantly or it will run out of power. They charge their rings by touching them to the source of their power which is their green lanterns. Now the green lanterns personal batteries have power because they are connected to the central power source on the planet OA. If the Lanterns loose their lantern or forget to connect to their battery, than their rings will eventually run out of power and they will become powerless. This is what happens to us as Christians when all we do is connect to God on Sunday mornings or when we are in dire need; we become powerless. The word powerless means exactly what it sounds like it means, “To be without power.” We as Christians are without power when we are trying to live our lives without being regularly connected to the source. Sure, we may have power for a while but we will eventually become more and more drained of our life until all that is left is merely a shadow of what we once were. If this is where you are today then I have good news for you. You have a personal power source with you right now that you can recharge your spirit with called the Word of God and prayer; and, the more time you give to those things the more life you will have.